Monday, July 17, 2017

Final Email From Hermana Hilburn

Well folks! Signing into my ldsmail account for the last time has really brought a lot of emotion to this lil Chilenga (Chilean Gringa). My heart is so divided and all I want to do is cry!! for good and bad!!! But it has helped me reflect back to the first time I signed in as well. I can say with confidence that this girl on the other side of the screen is a completely different human. I'm still the same crazy Kristen but with a whole different outlook on life, myself and my father in heaven. I literally can't even begin to express how grateful I am to say that and to have had this chance to be in Chile

This week was truly a great one and what a great reminder of why I am here and why I am serving to the very end!! This week we saw a huge miracle with our investigator Cristina. We were getting a little nervous that we were loosing her because we couldn't get in contact with her for most of the week. We planned a super awesome lesson to win her back and when we went she told us how she wanted to make more time for God and wanted her boyfriend to also listen to what we were teaching. So we were able to teach them both together about the restoration. They had questions about the word of wisdom and the spirit was so strong as we testified of the loving God we have that helps us to grow and protects us from the harmful things of the world. As we were teaching, Cristina looks at us and says I'M GONNA START TOMORROW. She told us that she was going to throw out all her tea, alcohol and all that  bad stuff. When she said this to us the sweet spirit just touched our hearts once again with gratitude as we realized who really was the best missionary, and who was the ultimate teacher which was the holy ghost.

That is the thing I am most grateful from my mission is learning how to follow, learning to be comforted and warned by the holy spirit of God, it's the greatest thing and makes every moment of my service here worth it.

I can truly say that I know that this church is true, that God lives and that he sent his son Jesus Christ to live and die for our sins and all these things I know from the power of the holy ghost.

I can truly say that I have felt comfort and peace in the hardest and loneliest times of my life through the power of the holy ghost.

I also can truly say that I have been changed through the edifying and changing power of the holy ghost. 

I am so grateful for the time I have had here in Chile and for the person my father in heaven has shaped me to be.  I am so eternally grateful for the incredible people I have meet here in Chile who have lifted me up, taught me through their example and loved me. I am grateful the Lord has taught me to do the same. I know that I was called to Chile for the people I have meet. For the lives I've seen the Lord change through obedience to His gospel. It has been absolute bliss to be a witness of the power of the Lord in the lives of these Chileans I love so much.

I am mostly grateful for the person I have come to know more through missionmary service. My Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. He has truly encircled me in His loving arms, loved me, kindly corrected me, forgiven me, and showed me my weaknesses and He is the one who made them stronger. 
I know that He lives and I have loved being His witness for this past year and a half. Even though I won't be able to wear His name as His servant for the rest of my life, His name is engraved on my heart forever and I will forever be a witness of His love and His sacrifice.

Well friends and fam. I seriously am just so humbly grateful for the opportunity I have had to serve as a missionary for Gods only true church on the earth. I'm grateful for your letters and support and mostly your prayers. 

Eternamente enamorado con chile y muy agradcido que vine.

Con muchisimo amor

Hermana Hilburn
Yes! It really snowed in Chile!

Mary "Hermana Hilburn" Poppins