This week has been INCREDIBLE!! Like really I feel like the luckiest human alive and I just love my Savior and I'm just burning with the testimony that HE LIVES!! and His gospel is restored on the earth!!
So this week flew by with so many wonderful experiences. Finding new investigators, interviews with president, training's, relationships with ward members growing. Let me tell you there are some HAPPY MISSIONARIES UP IN HERE!! It is just a huge JOY to be in Chile with my comp and with the strong desires we have to talk to EVERYONE and share this good news.
One of the coolest things that happened this week was an experience we had contacting yesterday in a new publacion. All of our citas had fallen and we were trying to figure out where we should go when I saw a lady outside of her house so we went over to talk to her. The second we started talking to her we just started feeling attacked as she and her husband both just fired questions and doubts and attacks on us and our beliefs. Whenever this happens in the mission I know I'm not supposed to fight back or to bible bash with them but IT'S SO HARD FOR ME TO CONTROL MY NATURAL MAN! But as I took a deep breath and thought of the way we could bring the spirit, a small voice of the spirit through a thought in my head, asked the couple to talk of their testimonies of Christ. As we all started talking about our gratefulness for Him and His atoning sacrifice the spirit filled each one of us as we all realized we loved and adored the same person. In this moment the couple softened and they opened up and told us they were so worried about their son who was starting to fall away from their beliefs and how they weren't sure in what to do. I remembered my parents who tried so diligently to read the book of Mormon as a family and testified that this book could be the thing that helped her son. Both my companion and I testified of the truthfulness and the power of the book of Mormon and the ability it has to change lives. I have seen so many changes in myself and in my life by reading the book of Mormon and the gratefulness I had for my lovely family that tried to do the same thing.
Even though this sweet couple didn't accept the book of Mormon we left the contact burning with the spirit and a sence of peace that when the Lord was done preparing them they would accept the joy of the gospel and find the peace they needed in their family.
I am just so grateful for the wonderful news the gospel has to bring and for the person my Father in heaven has helped me to be. I'm grateful for the second chances and for the loving support He brings us when we are weak and trodden down by the world.
I know that this is the true church of Christ on the earth and the only way to return to our Father in heaven. I konw that He loves us so much and He wants every single one of us to return to Him. I know that the book of Mormon allows us to understand more of this divine love and opportunity He has given us by sending His son and His gospel to the earth once more.
I, like President Monson BEG that you all can read the book of Mormon and find out for yourself the power and peace it brings to our lives. I know that it is true and that we can become the people our Father in heaven needs us to be and knows we can be.
Have a great week and READ THE BOOK!!
Hermana Hilburn